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A New Value Leader in BI

Zoho leads among the competition in the overall category in Info-Tech's emotional footprint report for 2023.

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A New Value Leader in BI

As we wrap up 2023 and step into 2024, we at Zoho Analytics are grateful for all the customers who journeyed with us last year.

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What’s New

Advanced Analytics for Jotform

Advanced Analytics for Jotform

Enables users to understand the preferences and opinions of the targeted audience, gauge satisfaction and engagement rates, spot strategies that are well-received. Know more

New Chart Type - Tree map

Advanced Analytics for Typeform

Enables users to get comprehensive insights, allowing them to analyze survey responses, customer feedback, and form submissions in a centralized and powerful analytics environment.
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Zoho Analytics' integration with Zoho Directory

Zoho Analytics' integration with Zoho Directory

This integration strengthens online account security by allowing administrators to handle identity and user access management. Know more

More Product Updates

  • Zoho Analytics now supports Workspace level IP restriction which allows users to customize IP restrictions for individual workspaces. Know more
  • A comprehensive set of new APIs (2.3.0) are now available in various categories to enhance user experience with Zoho Analytics.
  • Zoho Analytics now supports a handful more of new modules to effectively analyze the LinkedIn Ad campaigns. Know more
  • The Zoho Analytics - Dashboards mobile app now supports three new notification types that enhances user experience. Know more
  • Zoho Analytics now supports live connect for Denodo databases and IBM Informix database.
  • Zoho Analytics now supports Tree Map visualisation, a valuable tool to explore the data hierarchically with ease and to uncover trends. Know more
  • Zoho Advanced Analytics app in Shopify Marketplace now supports Klaviyo integration. Know more
  • Custom Role Support is enabled for Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One Users. Know more
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Customer Stories


What we really love about the Zoho platform is that it strikes a relatively good balance between simplicity, ease of use, and capability.

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Michael Renner

Co-founder and CTO, LifeSherpa

Rental Car Manager

ArtiCad uses Zoho Analytics' real time reporting and conversational AI tool to improve visibility of key metrics across the business

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Theresa Turner

Director of Marketing & HR, ArtiCAD



Delivering delightful customer service with support analytics

Optimal customer satisfaction and lasting positive impression can be achieved with support analytics' data-driven insights.

How Data Analytics Boosts Small Business Sales

Data analytics becomes a key driver in fine-tuning sales approaches for small business to enhance their growth.

Zoho Community

Zoho Community

Follow the Zoho Analytics Community to stay up to date on all the latest developments.

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Connecting BI to AI

Watch our webinar with Doug Henschen, Principal Analyst at Constellation Research, and learn about next-gen embedded analytics.

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Delivering delightful customer service

Watch our complete webinar as we address roadblocks in BI adoption with a blueprint for building a data-first organization.

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